June 23, 2012

The Glee Project - Vulnerability-week!

Okay, having been a Project Gleek for the whole first season (and having been madly in love with Damien from the very beginning - I mean come on... Irish accent. Phuuuleeeaaase! Instant want!) I've finally decided to start over with my blog. I'm just going to blog about random shit that has no influence what-so-ever in people's everyday lives. None the less - I will blog about fashion (sometimes), TV shows (a lot!), music (yeah, a lot too, probably) and just random stuff. Probably food as well. I really like food.

So I decided to kick it off with a little Glee Project luuurvin'! This weeks theme: Vulnerability. An absolute certain 'cry your eyes out' episode. Had to laugh a bit when they all seemed super excited about it (except for adorable Michael of course, whose face was like 'Oooooh I'm screwed'. Which was basically what he said as well.) 'cause I was like: "But... oh honeys. You're all gonna cryyyy. You're gonna have a weep-athron!". None the less: They all seemed to really wanna take the challenge, which is great!
First: YEEESSSS! moment was of course Charlie going "You can only be THAT vulnerable to a bass-line that goes *insert weird beatboxing that had me cracking up here*" - Seriously, I just instantly crushed on that boy! From the very moment they introduced him, I just fell in love with his whole personality. And seriously, I love that they're showing that even though you have autism (low spectre, but still!) and ADHD, you can be creative you and you can function with other people. I love Charlie's type, especially because (in Denmark at least) a lot of ADHD people are made out to be really aggressive - which Charlie is not at all, so good on him for breaking the stereotype and bring his amazing energy to the show!

Next YEEEESSSSS! moment was the bullying-talk. The homework assignment was good - as always, but it didn't really touch me that much. I felt like a lot of them were trying too hard (especially Lily! Ugh! Please girl, no hair-pull! Thanks to Cory for pointing that out!). Seriously, Blake was always cute to me, but when he totally broke down... He melted my heart. I mean seriously... How adorable ARE you?! You could just see the pain! You could see the way he'd always held on to the fact that he did nothing, and how it had just torn him up ever since!
I FORGIVE YOU BLAKE! And I hope that boy does too, 'cause really, my heart was breaking for him.

Lily being a bully - not a shocker really. What really bothered me was the fact that she didn't really seem that ashamed of it? She was like "Yeah, I realized that I'd been a bad person and apologized." but she said in this really flat 'Yada-yada, that's what happened'-way, that had me thinking like: "Oh honey... oh... oh sweety, you realize that you're in a room full of people who's been bullied, right? Could you like... act a bit ashamed of having been a total bitch to people like them?" - I really didn't feel the regret that she tried to get out. I'm sure that she was ashamed (at least I hope so!), but I just really didn't feel it.

Ailyn - really didn't like her in the first few episodes, but now... I mean... oh my God, talk about being adorable! I just feel like... she's this... cuddly, adorable, hyperactive little thing! She's like a playful little kitten next to Charlie's puppydog behaviour! Charlie and Ailyn remind me of a huge grand danois next to an adventurous kitten! She totally won me over in this episode!

On to the video:
What. The. Fuck?! A few moments stuck out to me:

Nellie did an amazing job at opening it - she was BEAUTIFUL! Blake, Michael and Tyler did a great job as bullies - but seriously, what was going on with Ali's face? Haha! I was cracking up at her facial expressions!
Charlie taking the walking cane... That was... Wow. I mean... yeah, of course it's disrespectful, and he should've pulled Mario to the side and went like "Okay, I'm gonna do this, that okay with you, dude?" - but seriously... not that bad. Yes, of course it was irresponsible, but you could SEE on his face as soon as he left the set that he was HEARTBROKEN over what he'd done! If you make exceptions for Mario and Tyler all the time because they're blind and transgender, you have to freakin' make exceptions for Charlie as well! I WORK with ADHD kids - they DON'T think that far. Sometimes they just act, and yes, it was wrong, but seriously, get over it. Mario didn't fall - and dangerous... Yes, somewhat, but it's not more dangerous than falling is for every other person? You stick out your arms, you catch yourself, you scratch your palms, but I hardly think he would've died from it. It's a scary experience and I understand why it would be traumatic and terrifying, but I think they overreacted - especially because they USED it in the video anyway! It obviously worked well in the video, it was a powerful scene. Shame on Charlie for not thinking things through and warning Mario, good on him for thinking out of the box and once again proving that he's one of the most creative and driven contestants. Oh, and just one more note before I'm done ranting about that part: Fence on one side that Mario could've grabbed on to, 4-5 people to catch him. Don't think he would've hurt himself that badly. Okay, rant over.

Shanna - Still an amazing actor. I mean... wow! She's so expressive with her face and her eyes, she's so gorgeous, she's just... wow. She blows me away everytime. I'll be like: "Oh, there's the blonde chick, she's the one I never really notice much in between the musicvid-OH HOLY COW SHE'S AMAZING!"
Her face when she opened the locker... Wow!

Michael and Blake's scenes together... those two have like... mad, amazing, psycho, crazy AWESOME energy! I mean... talk about bromance! There's like... sparks all over the place! Every time the two of them are in a scene together I'm totally blown away! The scene where Blake was shaking Michael was AMAZING! Blake really won me over in this episode, he's such a powerful actor, and I find myself falling more and more for him! He's so nice to everyone, and both he and Michael are insanely talented actors!

Last, but definitely not least - Lily and Ailyn's scene. Oh. My. God.
Lily is a bully. I really don't like that girl. She was way too good at playing bully! I'm pretty sure that she had wanted to kick Ailyn's ass for a while, and she just pounced at the opportunity. I was screaming at the screen like "STOP THEM DAMN IT! SHE'S KILLING HER!". Ailyn's acting was mindblowing! I'm so happy with this episode!

Oh, and two other YEEESSSS! moments! Charlie and Blake's weird superhero-cleaning thing? Ha! What was that? I mean... other than just plain adorable!
And Charlie and Ailyn... The first couple of episodes I was like: "Charliiiie! Stay away from heeer! She's gonna break your heeeaaaart!" Now I'm just like: "Please just get together already, damn it!"

Call-backs... Only two things actually worth mentioning:
1. Throw Lily and Mario out already. Yes, you can boot people for their attitudeproblems, especially when they're being cocky bitches. Pardon my French.
2. Charlie. Is. Amazing. I mean... come on... I know I'm kinda fangirling. Yes, I'll admit to squealing, shaking my head constantly and holding my hands in front of my mouth to stop myself from proper squealing all through his cover of Fix You, but honestly, there's no disputing that the boy is talented. He took one of the hugest ballads of our time, and he totally transformed it and learned it in two hours, and he bitchin' DElivered that thing like a boss! I would've kicked the other two home instantly. Just to spare myself having to kick two out later.

I was positively crying with joy when they were all called back, because a friend of mine kinda led me to believe that Charlie was voted out. ... Maybe I shouldn't have bothered her quite so much with who was gonna get called back. None the less: Best. Episode. Ever. Now I'm just looking forward to next week: Sexuality with Naya as a guest mentor! Hellz to the yeah! I'mma get looking at me yumyums (yes, that is Charlie, Michael and Blake, everyone. DIPPS!)

I just have to share the video with you before I wrap up (and a few comments, I mean... it's hot, that goes without saying, but... no, just watch it. - Btw: My preview for the video is Blake doing his 'oh, u goin' down there guuurl?'-posture - yes. Yes she is, Blake, and we all would for you.)

First thing: Ending = Hilarious.
Second thing: Ailyyyn! How do you CONTROL yourself?! It's a Chake-sandwich! Brain overloaded there, had to pause.
Third thing: As a straight woman who HAS tried to kiss girls before and found it not to be something for me: Omfg, Nellie and Shanna! Shanna. Looked. Gorgeous!
Fourth thing: Michaels little cocky smirk thing... Omg. In love.
Fifth thing: Charlie must FINALLY (and he deserves it!) have won the homework assignment with the amount of Charlie-time we get in this video. I'm totally good with that. I love me some Charlie. And Blake. And Michael. Yumyums.

STOP making me love all of you! I can't pick a favorite!